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Trinidad & Tobago
Kimberley Demagny

Series: Vintage jewelry boxes as storytelling tableaux by Curtis Santiago

Curtis Talwst Santiago is a Trinidadian-Canadian artist best known for his miniature dioramas that recreate stories pulled from the headlines and shed light on underrepresented histories. In his multimedia practice, Santiago transforms reclaimed jewelry boxes into scenes that feature creative retellings of

Dominican Republic
Alexa Wilkie

Series: Dominican Modernism with Darío Antonio Suro García-Godoy

Darío Antonio Suro García-Godoy was an art critic, diplomat and painter from the Dominican Republic. He was the nephew of painter Enrique García-Godoy, his first art teacher. García-Godoy is considered one of the founders of the modernist school of Dominican

Dominican Republic
Alexa Wilkie

Series: Dominican Cubism with Jaime Colson

Jaime Antonio Gumercindo Gonzalez Colson was born in Tubagua, Puerto Plata in 1901. Educated in Santo Domingo, he travelled to Paris to improve his painting skills. Jaime Colson moved in 1918 to Spain where he studied art at La Lonja,

Dominican Republic
Alexa Wilkie

Series: Examining humanity and machinery with Rigo Art Peralta

Born in San Josè de las Matas, Dominican Republic, and then relocated to Brooklyn, New York in 1989. These dichotomous cultures have inspired Peralta’s work to blend in a visual language with cultural diversity, which connects his Caribbean past with


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