

Released in 2011, Black is a Revolutionary Act by Akinyele Omowale Umoja has been the subject of much controversy since its release. The book intended to “reveal the most critical problems facing black male and female relationships, and provides a blueprint for healing our relationships, families, marriages, and ourselves” based on the historical obstacles that the concept of Black Love had to overcome and analyzing the direct/indirect consequences on the construction of these relationships. Although many critics have denounced the author’s binary, hetero-normative, and hetero-patriarchal vision of the subject, they agree that the title points to an indisputable reality.

A revolution on different scales that inspires and makes artists think, curious to dig into the concept, to document it, and to try to transmit it in its purest form.

In this selection of videos generously shared by curator David Démétrius, this week’s artists tell us different stories around Black Love, adding new tracks to those already explored.

Loving is an intimate docu-short that shares the reflections of five black women around love and what it means to feel it. A project of Barbadian/Jamaican “director” Aliyah Hasinah, it is recognisably poetic and engaging.

With Motherhood Anna Fearon gives us testimonies centered on motherhood, featuring Afro-descendant mothers in floral settings, inspiring peace and abundance.

Bantù Mama, selected for the 16th edition of the Trinidad + Tobago Film Festival is a film by Ivan Herrera, who is no stranger to us at Caribeart ( Focus : Behind the lens with Ivan Herrera). This short film is about loving the family you choose, and building self-love in a complicated social context.

As an end of evening, we close this selection with a soundtrack that transports us to Ayiti darling, in a sensual and melodious kolé-séré for the release of the new collection of knitting made by designer of Haitian origin Azède Jean-Pierre.

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